LIGHTAUTO NEXT [fvplayer src=""] Top 10 Most Powerful Religions In The World PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS ISLAM or CHRISTIANITY – Which Religion Is Better? Why religion is literally false and metaphorically true | Bret Weinstein The Big Story: Origins of Religion Justin Bieber on Religion Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word George Carlin: Religion is Bullshit Top 10 Most Powerful Religions In The World Joe Rogan – What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion? HISTORY OF IDEAS – Religion Why there is no way back for religion in the West | David Voas | TEDxUniversityofEssex Top 10 Most Powerful Religions In The World Termite Login Require Subscribe Subscribed 11 3642 videos By Termite In this video 0 0 votes Rating Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Please login to comment 7 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments BADSHAH Creation maker Money not important Religion important Pushpa Kapoor I am not hindu I am not Muslim I am not Christian I am not Sikh I am not Atheist but I am an Indian Jai Hind Like who love their country Md sujan Khan I think number 2 is good Tasha siddiqui What's with the picture? There ain't any picture of our prophet MALAKZAI JAN AGHA I'm Muslim from AfghanistanIslam is a best religion 1 2 Next » Advertisement
Money not important Religion important
I am not hindu I am not Muslim I am not Christian I am not Sikh I am not Atheist but I am an Indian Jai Hind
Like who love their country
I think number 2 is good
What's with the picture? There ain't any picture of our prophet
I'm Muslim from Afghanistan
Islam is a best religion