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Tulsa Protesters Run Over by Truck and Horse Trailer – No One Hurt

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JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP Do Not Block Roads When Protesting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/176746257113065 Blocking roads is an aggressive …

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Shanna Oconnell
Shanna Oconnell

Play on the highway and you will get run over! His horses and family MATTER!!!

Shanna Oconnell
Shanna Oconnell

I heard but have not confirmed one of the horses had to be put down and the other is now blind in one eye and will not barrel race again. All living things matter and terrorizing this family is WRONG! Doing things that are illegal in the name of "justice" is WRONG!!!

James Buckley
James Buckley


Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor

Ha ha ha ha. Should have backed up and run over them again.

Morgan Davis
Morgan Davis

It was her own fault cause she stayed in front of the car and instead she could have ran and gone to the side or her fault


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