[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=CQqSVddLDzw&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
WATCH: Truck with trailer drives through protest on I-244 in Tulsa
WATCH: Truck with trailer drives through protest on I-244 in Tulsa.
WATCH: Truck with trailer drives through protest on I-244 in Tulsa
In this video
WATCH: Truck with trailer drives through protest on I-244 in Tulsa.
Good for him.. run the stupid fucking idiots over n over n over!!!!!
Good!!!! Should've kept the speed up doesn't matter if they stop they still wanna smash other people's cars so smash them back
Yep Jesus is coming back our you ready
I'm more outraged at all the terrorist who came out. A 50 cal should be around to keep them in check. KILL THE FUCK OUT OF THEM IF THEY HURT PEOPLE.. This SHIT ENRAGES ME. WHERE WAS LAW & ORDER!!!
Drive by paint ball shooting that shit would clear like roaches when you turn the light on lol