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Why Dinosaurs Would Have Ruled the Earth Featuring Dr. Steve Brusatte

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rex mundi
rex mundi

2:18 Stop that. You can't do that.

Bevan Wikner
Bevan Wikner

The ANNA voice is so bad!!

abcd efgh
abcd efgh

It's probably me being cynical and falling victim to some broad association reasoning that white washes legitimate discoveries, but my first reaction to any discovery, development or news headline of any kind that comes out of China is that they fabricated it in some way. I never feel satisfied with any supporting "evidence" from China for their claims. I know that researchers with the best intentions in the western world have inadvertently come to ultimately false conclusions… and China's reputation, at least in the economic world, is one of subverting genuine discovery… so how can we truly trust these finds… Read more »

Over the hill Dill
Over the hill Dill

I think they do rule the earth but it might be too oily to tell.

Event Horizon
Event Horizon

New! Is 'Oumuamua a Light Sail? W/Dr. Avi Loeb:​



You can find Dr. Steve Brusatte's book, The Rise and Fall of The Dinosaurs here: https://amzn.to/2CmjWbf


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