Why don't they? Because it is not commanded in Jesus's last will and New Testament. Very simple!
Emmett Mitcham
Col 2:14 says it all nailed to the cross it’s done
HL Pace
The Pope change from Sabbath to the 1st. day of week
Robert Brook
Everyone needs to read Matthew 22
Douglas Herr
The problem is most people do not know when the sabbath is. God did not say the sabbath was the seventh day, or Saturday, He said to work six day's and rest the seventh. What if you started working Tuesday, then Monday would be your sabbath. No where in the Bible does it say that Saturday, or the seventh day of the week is the sabbath. We get that idea from the jews, not from God.
Why don't they? Because it is not commanded in Jesus's last will and New Testament. Very simple!
Col 2:14 says it all nailed to the cross it’s done
The Pope change from Sabbath to the 1st. day of week
Everyone needs to read Matthew 22
The problem is most people do not know when the sabbath is. God did not say the sabbath was the seventh day, or Saturday, He said to work six day's and rest the seventh. What if you started working Tuesday, then Monday would be your sabbath. No where in the Bible does it say that Saturday, or the seventh day of the week is the sabbath. We get that idea from the jews, not from God.