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Why is it So Hard for Christians to Pray by David Wilkerson ——–

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D&D Ross
D&D Ross

I love to hear Brother David preach! Something so fresh, so straight ahead, no bull, no lies. Well, I know from my own experience that sometimes Christians don't pray, because we don't want to hear the truth. We want a life of ease and pleasure. Jesus promised that we would have trouble, that trials on earth would increase, and that the love of many would grow cold. The Holy Spirit is not our critic, but for those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose, He lovingly disciplines and will give us no comfort in just making… Read more »

afriers frierson
afriers frierson

Thanks, this message really open my eyes.

Kim C  Gossett
Kim C Gossett

101 thumbs DOWN?? That is SADLY 101 more SOULS heading for HELL FIRE DAMNATION forever


Christians — the not-so-gullible-one's — struggle to pray to an All-Knowing Deity. They know that their deity is Omniscient and does not need to be taught.The deity, being Omniscient, knows long before the alleged "Let there be light," what the soul, wants/needs/is saying/wishes/desires/etc.People do not like teaching an all-knowing deity. But the copper-age, revised in the Iron-age, book is teaching that they must insult their deity by teaching Him what they want/need/saying/wishes/desires/etc."How can the deity know, if we don't teach Him," is the premise of the book.The copper-age, before and since, has all Immortals as stupid as mortals regarding the… Read more »


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