Why Is the Tulsa Massacre So Relevant? | NowThis

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This week marks 99 years since the killing of an estimated 300+ Black people and destruction of ‘Black Wall Street’ by white mobs during the Tulsa Massacre …

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Chandros Evans
Chandros Evans

She and Now This forgot 2 mention that after the massacre and destruction the military sent in airplanes 2 bomb and destroy whatever was left of Greenwood

E rrr
E rrr

The textbooks do not record these, nor do they record the massacre of Indians. Before the founding of the United States, there were 10 million Indians.

Toon Noob
Toon Noob

Why doesn’t school teach this? Not just slavery

Marvin Bennett
Marvin Bennett

I remember when I was in Sierra vista , Arizona I heard a story about a "colored" (lol) nursing home getting burned down anybody else hear about that or has the white main swept it under history's rug

Marvin Bennett
Marvin Bennett

Some black person should go around America and bring us these stories because you know it happened in every state on some level. They go around and tell stories about 80s drug dealers and shhh lol SMFH


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