[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=R7fsE_1ZQDY&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
Wow! We need more men like Ismael Essome.
Ismael Essome is the father of the Ecoboat, a boat made out of plastic bottles and are used to promote the ecotourism program on the beaches of Kribi, where he’s supporting the fishing community of Londji by improving livelyhood income and wellbeing. His project contribute to generate income for fishermen and women. His organisation’s Madiba […]
Wow! We need more men like Ismael Essome.
Ismael Essome is the father of the Ecoboat, a boat made out of plastic bottles and are used to promote the ecotourism program on the beaches of Kribi, where he’s supporting the fishing community of Londji by improving livelyhood income and wellbeing. His project contribute to generate income for fishermen and women.
His organisation’s Madiba & Nature also runs programmes coaching young students and engineers on entrepreneurship in green business. While working with passionate team of innovators in ITECH, Arts and Renewable energies to promote the circular economy that contribute to better environment welfare while creating jobs into the community.
Taken from Ismael Essome LinkedIn page.